Live, Wednesday 12 - 2pm. About Will

Will, Host of The FreeWill Show

Who am I?

I’m a rock n’roll/blues playing, hang-gliding, sports loving molecular biologist. Oh yeah, and I’m a Supreme Court lawyer too. Ok, I know you’re probably saying to yourself, “sure kid, and I’m Elvis”. But it’s true!

My belief in the rule of law and the Constitution led me down a rabbit hole I never imagined when I attempted to enter college at the age of 13 to study molecular biology through Florida’s Dual Enrollment program. When my right to entry was illegally barred and none of the “adults” would simply admit they were wrong and just follow the law as it was written, I ended up filing a law suit just to get their attention and have them fix the problem so I could go to school. And of course acting as my own lawyer throughout. Most kids would rather ditch school than have to go, me I go to court so I can. Weird huh? So after too many filings and court appearances to detail here, I ended up filing my case with the US Supreme Court. Yeah, THAT Supreme Court. Home of the Notorious RBG, where serious stuff gets dealt with. So that, my friends, is how I became a Supreme Court lawyer at the age of 17.

So while other kids my age are sneaking beers and freaking out over Fortnite, I’m still geeking out over the latest scientific discoveries in biology and cosmology (I really want to hang out with NGT), looking forward to getting back in the air when the weather decides to cooperate, learning to play new songs on my many guitars (sorry neighbors but at least it’s not the drums, for now…) and chilling while I hear from the Supreme Court.

I guess I’m what you could call a Renaissance Man.

Hang Gliding

As I said above I'm a Hang Gliding pilot in training! I'm currently an H1 rated pilot (training pilot). Hang Gliding is one of the coolest thing ever besides being on the radio and lawyerin'!

Being up in the air is so peaceful and relaxing. When the tow plane disconnects and the world goes silent everything just seems to make sense. I can't wait for the weather to cooperate with me again so I can get back up in the air with Malcom, trainer and owner of Wallaby Ranch.

If you are in the Central Florida area and want one of the hands down coolest experiences, go see Malcom out at Wallaby and get up in the sky!


The FreeWill Show is my first rodeo but it ain't in a way. I played guitar Saturday mights primetime 9-11pm on The Johnny Garlic & Don Don Show on WPRK for 3 years. I learned then I loved to entertain and anytime I got to broadcast with them was a dream!

Since I started The FreeWill Show in Feburary, I've had the time of my life bringing you rockin' music, good conversation and sports news weekly on Wednesday's. Sport Reportin and having conversations with my heros is one of the coolest ways to spend my time. When I'm in the studio with Dad and Grandpa my goal is to bring the heat with every song and give the folks in Orlando music they want to tear 120 down i4 to, I think the team is getting pretty good at it!


At the age of 14, I became a School Yard Lawyer and haven't let up since... My legal right to participate in the Dual Enrollment program was willfully and illegally denied by the collges & universities in the Central Florida area. Not only were these denials illegal under Florida Statute but are unconstitutional.

The case rocketed through all levels of state court (County, District and State Supreme) and as I said above has been filed with the Supreme Court of The United States. I'm waiting to hear back about if 19-420 (yes thats actually the number lol) and 19-421 get fully taken up and will face arguments! When people asked me what I wanted to do with myself brfore I used to respond anything but a lawyer, but afrer fighting in that arena for awhile I've come to see that lawyerin' ain't so bad after all folks ;)


I've been playing Guitar for over half my life now, to say that it's a major calming force in the crazy hurricane my life is, is to say the least. Music is a soother, a teacher, a friend, a mentor, a escape and so much more.

When I was 13 Johnny found me playing in Winter Park with my old man and asked me onto his radio show the next night over at Rollins on Halloween! That appearance gave way to 3 dozen more on the show over the course of 3 years, playing in some smokey bars and a music festival even.

Music has morphed into more now with the creation and weekly airing of The FreeWill Show. Music doesn't just mean playing it on the guitar it also means building the right set to send my fans into a frenzy of rythm weekly!

Tune in for the weekly 2 hour service of Rock over on WPRK and get right with the Rock Gods man.